and finally this... (to u)
First time I saw you, u looked so fine... αλλά I swear... I didn't think to make you mine.
Now I have, why am I so fucking scared to be happy?
Now I have, why am I so fucking scared to be happy?
- (η) ουσ. ανεξέλεγκτη ελευθερία λόγων ή πράξεων -
Emena pali me pige se Mathew Fisher, Why i had to fall in love with you.
Breathe in, breathe out hob, erwtas einai, tha perasei. H mhpws einai kalitera na kratisei??
Domino, ΘΕΕ ΜΟΥ, είναι τόσο κορυφαίο αυτό το τραγούδι, μου φτιάχνει απίθανα το κέφι, thanx και μόνο που μου το θύμισες... but...
it was ziggy who had it right.
(να κρατήσει, να κρατήσει... λέμε αν είναι...)
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